About Me

Letticia Gilmore, Evangelist

You Deserve to Feel Great. I’m Here to Help.

Hello, my name is Letticia Gilmore, Mother, Wife, Coach, Evangelist, and Motivational Speaker. I am here to be a light for you, in any way that I can. I hope you enjoy the article, “Know That You Are Wonderfully Made.”,  below and I look forward to bring you more, My ministry believes in reaching out and helping my fellow person, Please find me on https://www.solidgroundsports.org home of SHE ROCKS Flag Footbal and Outreach.

“Know That You Are Wonderfully Made.”

As women we always seem to be treated as second as if being a woman is a liability instead of an asset. And if you are a woman of color, now you are hit with a double negative. And black women are the most oppressed, mistreated, and misaligned group of people on the planet. With everything that is going on in our society and in our communities to cause us to question who we are, question our abilities, and focus on areas where we are lacking, we must know what God’s Word says about who we are and what we can do!

In Psalms 139:14 it says, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. In the Hebrew “fearfully” means reverence, wonderfully made means “to be distinct, marked out, be separated, and be distinguished.” David gave God thanks and we need to thank God and recognize that we were made with reverence because God created us in His image and likeness, so we weren’t going to be just thrown together, but God uniquely formed and spared no details!! Then we were distinctly marked out, separated from the rest and made distinguished, made to stand out in the crowd!! And you know what else? David said, “marvelous are thy works…” Women, can I tell you a secret? YOU, yes you my sister, are a marvelous work!! You are wonderful, distinguished, and extraordinary. YOU ARE! What other people think or say about you doesn’t matter, the only thing that should matter to you is what God has said!

He has uniquely made you, wonderfully made you, distinguished to stand out among other women and He has an extraordinary assignment that He created you to do.

God bless you

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7660 Tea Berry Way, Sacramento CA 95828-5051


Mon – Fri: 10am – 6pm Pacific
Weekends: by Appointment Only