by Adminwomenofconcern | Feb 1, 2022 | Living in Perilous Times, Trusting God, Words of Encouragement
How to prepare for hard days ahead! Feb 01, 2022 | Tulip Creation The days and weeks after losing someone we love are hard, but for most, the hardest point in the grieving journey actually comes much later. Once the rest of our community has begun to move on,...
by Adminwomenofconcern | Jun 16, 2020 | Marriage Anchor, Marriage Anchor 3
Marriage Anchor Spiritual Growth Typically when we think of “surrender”, we think of giving up, tossing the towel in, or giving in to the opposing forces’ demands. In the spring of 1865, General Lee had to make the most difficult decision of his life. The following is...
by Adminwomenofconcern | Jun 16, 2020 | Marriage Anchor, Marriage Anchor 2
Marriage Anchor Spiritual Growth After years of mentoring couples, we find many are focusing on what God has provided them instead of focusing on the One who provides. We try to help them first look to God so they can properly see their mate. Here is the dilemma. You...
by Adminwomenofconcern | Jun 16, 2020 | Marriage Anchor, Marriage Anchor 1, Marriage Anchor 9
Marriage Anchor Spiritual Growth At the age of 28, I had a wife and 2 very small children; a boy and a girl. I worked hard with long hours at my company. My wife was home with the kids. When I was home I was tired and tended to be pre-occupied with work and earning...
by Adminwomenofconcern | May 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
A DIFFERENT KIND OF MOTHER’S DAY During the last six weeks, we have more time to focus on people we love, even if we can not be with them. This Mother’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to focus on Mom and to honor her. God told His people to...
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