During the last six weeks, we have more time to focus on people we love, even if we can not be with them. This Mother’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to focus on Mom and to honor her. God told His people to “honor” their parents and to remember them with respect and acknowledge their importance in life. That does not change in a pandemic.

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; Her husband also, and he praises her: (Proverbs 31:28)

With the lockdown, we all will have more time to be creative in honoring our mothers today. Some mothers are no longer with us, but there are still ways that we can honor their memory. While some moms may even be difficult to love, we can still find ways to honor them and perhaps encourage loving, healthy relationships.

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” (Exodus 20:12)

Mothers are one of God’s greatest gifts to us. Just imagine a world without mothers. Mothers give us important social and nurturing characteristics in every generation. It is passed down from their mothers to their children, so they learn the virtues of valuing others, kindness, sacrifice, sharing, compassion, community, and a host of other values and skills that enable us to live together in peace.

Mothers are designed for self-sacrifice. When pregnant, a mother’s body focuses its primary attention on nurturing that new, growing life developing within her. Her body will automatically prioritize the needs of her unborn baby, and this gift for self-sacrifice does not end there. After her children are born, a mother will continue to sacrifice herself for the needs of her children. She will do whatever she can to ensure her children have what they need.

Mothers are also designed by God to nurture. There is just no greater nurturing power on the planet than a mother. When God described His love for Israel, He did so with motherhood. He told Israel that He would comfort them like a mother comforts her children.

“As one whom his mother comforts, So I will comfort you; And you shall be comforted in Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 66:13)


After 30 chapters of directions on living the good, Godly, life, the book of Proverbs closes with these words to the Godly woman.

“Many daughters have done well, But you excel them all.” Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, And let her own works praise her in the gates.” (Proverbs 31:29-31)

The best of all that God designed a woman to be is expressed in motherhood. Not one of us came into this World without a mother. In these days of abortion-on-demand, motherhood is a conscious, deliberate decision by a woman to enter into, God-like act of loving self-sacrifice to participate with the God of all creation to bring a new life into the world.

This Mother’s Day, we hope you will take the time to say thanks to your mother in a special way. No, she is not perfect, and no, she did not do everything right, but she gave you life. If she is like most mothers, she sacrificed for you and did what she could to prepare you to be a loving, caring person.

To all the mothers reading, thank you for all you have done to prepare your children to be the good men and women of the next generation. Our world cannot make it without you. Thank you for all you do. Happy Mother’s Day.


This article was posted as a tribute and memorial to ;

Jessie Mae Gilmore,
Washington GA

August 31, 1939 – December 26, 2019

Willie Geneva Rhodes Turner, Crawfordville GA
May 13, 1919 – October 31, 1999

“When you speak of her, speak not with tears, for thoughts of her should not be sad.
Let memories of the times you shared give you comfort, for her life was rich because of you.”

Pray For Mom and Pray For All

A Prayer For Mother.

“Heavenly Father, You made a mother a special person, and as she follows Your instructions, she allows Your Love to be shown to her child.

You are Love, and with You leading a mother to love; it is irreplaceable.

May this day all Mothers know Your special Love that You have for them so they too, can reflect that Love to others. Father, bless our Mothers this Mothers Day as we honor them.

We pray for all Mothers this day. In Jesus’ name,



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